Vanessa Makes Faces

I can’t go through this again

Posted on: November 24, 2010

This year has been one if constant disappointment in the relationship department. I’m tired of being reeled in by these characters that claim to be full of good intentions but are nothing more than of my time, my energy and my emotions. i don’t know how much more straight forward I can be. I am looking for more than a friend, more than a friend with benefits. I keep falling for this nice guy act. The nice guys are not being nice guys…they’re assholes in disguise. I’m so burned now that I think every guy is like this and don’t know who or what to believe. I feel bad for any new guy that comes along because in my mind he already a douche just out to break my heart. I’ve cried too many tears over guys that didn’t deserve my attention. I know all i can do is watch out for me right now but I honestly wonder how I’ll ever have a family of my own if this shit keeps happening to me. I can only come to the conclusion that there is something I’m doing wrong to keep attracting these guys. Sorry for the self pity rant but I’ve been bottling it up and it needed to come out. I’m done.

1 Response to "I can’t go through this again"

You know me I am all for thinking positive. You are what you attract if you want different you have to act and/or think different…but you know I would say that already… Party on Wayne, Party on Garth WAYNES WORLD, WAYNES WORLD !!!!

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  • Selena A: You know me I am all for thinking positive. You are what you attract if you want different you have to act and/or think different...but you know I wou
